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Oct 2, 2013

Arasavalli, Andhra Pradesh, India

Built by:                     Kalinga Rulers  
Also known as:          Harshavalli     
Primary deity:             Lord Surya
Important Festivals:    Ratha Saptami
Attraction:                  Architecture of the Temple

Arasavalli is an ancient and famous temple of Surya, the sun god. The temple is situated in the vicinity of the Srikakulam town, Andhra Pradesh, India. The temple was originally known as “Harshavalli” which refers to the abode of happiness and joy. The temple is known for its healing prowess over people suffering from skin and eyes diseases. The god of the Suryanarayana Swami temple is believed to cure many diseases of the devotees. The deity is a five-feet high, lotus bearing granite idol of the Lord Surya.
The diety in the temple has several consorts such as the Usha, Padma and Chhaiyya on a seven horses driven chariot.  The architecture of the temple is enchanting and alluring and is built in such way to allow the sun rays to fall the feet of deity even in the months of February and June when the five main entrance gates are closed.
The temple depicts the beautiful and renowned Vishwakarma sculptors’ architectural skills. It is a common belief that the Maharanas or the Vishwakarma Brahmin sculptors of Orissa had built and planned the engineering masterpiece.  All the idols in temple are made out of one single black-colored granite stone. The Sun God and his consorts are depicting riding over a seven-horse chariot maneuvered by Aruna. The idols of Vishnu, Maheshwara, Ganesha, Ambica and Aditya are also installed at one place in the temple.

The temple was constructed in the 7th century by Devendra Varma, one of the Kalinga rulers, in Orissa. It is written in the ancient Indian legends that the king of Gods, Indira tried to enter the temple of Koteeshwara-Shiva by force during which he was overthrown by the temple’s gatekeeper, Nandi. In his remorse and repentance, Indira den established the idol of Lord Surya in a temple and worshipped him, in Arasavalli.
It is common belief that the temple was built by the Eastern Kalinga Kings and there are inscriptions on the stone that reveal grants done by the kings of the Kalinga clan.

By Rail
The station of Srikakulam is well connected to other railway lines across the South  India.
By Road
The NH-5 highway passes through Srikakulam from where the government buses run regularly to the temple of Arsavalli.

This Hindu temple is most famous amongst the devotees because it believed that the Sun God heals the skin and eye aliments of all who offer prayers here.

The best months to visit the temple of Arsavalli are the months of March to May and August to November.  The ideal days to visit is the Sunday it is the sacred day of the Lord Surya

There are many ashrams and lodges in the vicinity of the temple.

The devotees who want to offer prayers to the Lord Surya should visit the temple on the Sundays that fall during the 5 months of Magha masam. These months are believed to be sacred and the devotees who come here during these months are granted with all their wishes



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