Travel around the world!!!

Oct 5, 2013

St. Georgen am Ybbsfelde, Austria

City description and overview
St. Georgen am Ybbsfelde is located in Lower Austria in the district of Amstettan. It is beautiful market town with a population of approximately 3000 people. The town consists of many churches and cadastral. Located in the district of Amstettan, the market town offers good shopping opportunities. The town offers many recreational and relaxing opportunities such as sports, clubs and restaurants. One of the major attractions of the town is the local sports club, Union St. Georgen am Ybbsfelde. The club has comprehensive and high-end playing areas and facilities of various games including table tennis, lawn tennis, football, gymnastics and hiking.  In fact the sports club is known to have one of the best club complex and facilities in ostviertel. The city also offers leisure facilities like a beach volleyball court and a club named FunSport.

Weather and best time to travel

Experienced and aware traveler would always want to know about the best weather to visit any place. The best weather to visit St. Georgen am Ybbsfelde would be June or September. During the winters the city offers skiing destinations, although it might become a bit harsh. The best time to travel to this part of Austria id April to May and September to October. The warm season in October offers you the beautiful Wachau and the stunning sights along with fun activities of the Danube River. Wine is one of the major attractions of this part of Austria and Autumn is the best season to enjoy the wine.

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