Travel around the world!!!

Oct 5, 2013

Scharding-Suben, Austria

City description and overview

Scharding is a town which is situated in the state of Upper Austria. It has a population of around 5000 people, with a historic ownership going back to the Wittelsbach family. This ownership is evident in the historical architecture of the town, which is called as baroque style. This town has many Catholic churches and the other buildings are quite colorful. You cannot help but get a feeling of cheerfulness when you visit this town and stay there for a while. The town is full of liveliness, exhibited from all of its historical buildings and pathways. Due to its long history of the Wittelsbach family, this town has got its own identity.
You can roam through the streets, often with a brochure which are available at Cyclist centers amongst other places. There are also a lot of inns in this town famous for their exotic beers and age old breweries. Savoring the culinary delights here is the right way to cherish the nostalgia after a day’s walk through history.

Weather and best time to travel

Since this town is situated in the upper side of Austria, it experiences a continental climate, which means that there are warm summers which are not hot. At the same time, there are cool winters, which are not very cold. Another characteristic of the weather is that there are no dry spells at any time of the year and it keeps raining throughout the year. 

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