Travel around the world!!!

Sep 28, 2013

Mikulovice, Czech Republic

City description and overview

Right in the heart of the Czech Republic, is situated the small village named Mikulovice, which falls under the Pardubice Region of the country. This is a picturesque village with only about 900 inhabitants residing here. The Pardubice Region is located in the eastern part of Bohemia and a small part in the northwestern part of Moravia. The capital city of the Region is Pardubice, after which this Region itself derives its name. The Pardubice Region houses more than four hundred and fifty municipalities under it. Of these, thirty two municipalities are classified as towns and townships. The district of Pardubice houses more than one hundred thousand inhabitants. The district also has a river named Elbe flowing through it. This region is famous for its textiles and handicrafts, so be sure to check them out if you ever happen to visit the village of Mikulovice.

Weather and best time to travel

There are a lot of tourist attractions such as the Orlické Mountains and the Železné Mountains, several historical monuments, beautiful ruins of medieval aged castles, which were established in the 13th century, in and around Mikulovice. These castles have been associated with the noble Pernštejn family of Moravia. This family is famous for having built two huge castles; one is on Kunětická hora and the other is at Litice on the Orlice. The best time to visit the village of Mikulovice would be during the summers when the temperature is mild and warm. Otherwise, the winters are pretty cold and harsh, and most of the winter months, the place remains snowed in.

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