Travel around the world!!!

Sep 27, 2013

Trieben, Austria

City description and overview

Trieben, located in the Liezen district is one of the distinguished places all over the earth. The name Trieben id derived from a Slavic Language which simply means “root out”. Trieben is located in central Austria, just next to the Palten River Valley. It received its “city” status in the year 1996 and possesses a total area of forty five square kilometers. According to the latest statistical data of 2012, this miniature town can accommodate around four thousand citizens. The current mayor of this region is Schottl Helmut. Tourism and magnesit are the two main sources of income for this economy. Today Trieben is flourishing due to globalization and technological advancements.

Weather and best time to travel

Since tourism is the main element of this economy, nature has been kind enough to gift this land with ethnic beauty. This is one of the main reasons as to why this town welcomes more than thousands of tourist every year. The serenity and calmness which one feels here in the atmosphere is completely priceless. The soothing weather does not let any of the citizens and tourist down. Overall the climate throughout the year is welcoming, but extreme winters may be the only tiny defect. The Lutheranian church is the most priceless possession of this land. The architecture is extravagant and the beauty is inexpressible. One should surely visit this magnificent place at least once during their lifetime. The satisfaction which one receives is of complete worth. The comforting and warming atmosphere makes it very difficult for a visitor to leave. In other words Trieben is just a glimpse of heaven.

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