Travel around the world!!!

Sep 27, 2013

Kapfenburg, Austria

City Description and overview

Being the third largest town in the unique city of Styria, Kapfenburg is situated beside the Murz River and is surrounded by the cities of Bruck an der Mur and Kindberg. This small town is distinguished all over the world for its vast steel industry. It was established around a fortress in 1256. The most amazing feature of this town is that it possessed ironworks in the beginning of the 15th century. Other than steel, it is also renowned for chemical and cable manufacturers all over the world. In the present world, this miniature city has modernized and globalized tremendously and has immensely expanded in the sector of service.

Weather and best time to travel

The current mayor of this city is Brigitte Schwarz and this small region can easily allow 21,710 residents to easily reside here. The weather throughout the year is welcoming with warm and cozy summers and strong and chilly winters. One should visit this place during the summers as it blossoms during this time period. If we talk about tourist attraction, then this place has a lot to offer; “Burg Oberkaphenburg” is the most exquisite castle in the whole city of Kapfenburg. The beautiful architecture is a good enough excuse to attract thousands of tourists from all over the world and it was built in 1328. Bipa market located in the Main Square is also a unique tourist spot. The most delicate and unique souvenirs are available here which pleases the visitors highly. It’s one of the prettiest towns in the universe and if one gets a chance to visit it, he should not miss it any cost.

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